Daily Archives: August 6, 2023

Japan has a vertical flute but not a transverse flute?

Japan has a vertical flute but not a transverse flute?

What kind of flute comes to mind when you hear the words “Japanese flute”? Most people probably think of the vertical flute, the shakuhachi. In fact, there is also a transverse flute like the flute, which is a Western instrument. In this article, we will look at several types of Japanese transverse flute. 1. ryuteki It is a bamboo instrument…

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Difference between Shamisen and Sanshin

Difference between Shamisen and Sanshin

“Sanshin” and “Shamisen” are very similar. The names are also somewhat similar and complicated. What is the difference between “shamisen” and “sanshin”? Therefore, I would like to introduce five characteristics of “Shamisen” and “Sanshin”. If you read this blog, you may be able to distinguish between “shamisen” and “sanshin. 1. Historical Background According to one theory, the shamisen originated from…

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