Daily Archives: August 19, 2023

Let’s deepen our knowledge of koto.

Let’s deepen our knowledge of koto.

When you think of “koto” Japanese musical instruments, what kind of instruments come to mind? Actually, there are several types of “koto” instruments. The first is the wagon, an ancient Japanese koto. The second is the Chinese 7-stringed zither, which was called “kin no koto”. The third is the 13-stringed instrument commonly known in Japan today as the “Sou no…

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Japanese Traditional Instruments: Beautiful Discoveries at Souvenir Shops

Japanese Traditional Instruments: Beautiful Discoveries at Souvenir Shops

When you visit Japan, a tapestry of historical culture and traditions unfolds before you. What particularly captivated me was the souvenirs related to traditional Japanese musical instruments. I’ve picked out a few such items commonly found in tourist spots to introduce. ・Taiko Drum Keychains The sounds of the taiko drums, often heard during summer festivals or temple ceremonies, are unforgettable.…

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Outline and History of Tsugaru Shamisen

Outline and History of Tsugaru Shamisen

The Tsugaru shamisen is a type of shamisen, a traditional Japanese musical instrument that originated in the Tsugaru region of Aomori Prefecture. The shamisen is a three-stringed instrument played with a plectrum called a “bachi,” and the way the Tsugaru shamisen is played is particularly unique. The Tsugaru shamisen produces a powerful and loud sound through a variety of techniques,…

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