“Sanshin” and “Shamisen” are very similar.
The names are also somewhat similar and complicated. What is the difference between “shamisen” and “sanshin”?

Therefore, I would like to introduce five characteristics of “Shamisen” and “Sanshin”.
If you read this blog, you may be able to distinguish between “shamisen” and “sanshin.

1. Historical Background
According to one theory, the shamisen originated from a musical instrument called “sangen” that was introduced from China during the Kingdom of Ryukyu. And surprisingly, there is also a theory that the shamisen has its roots in the sanshin. No wonder they are similar in shape.

2. Size
The length of the sanshin is approximately 80 cm, while the shamisen is approximately 100 cm, with the shamisen being slightly larger.

3. Weight
The sanshin weighs about 1 kg, while the shamisen weighs about 2 to 3 kg.

4. Structure
The body of the sanshin is made of snake skin, and the body of the shamisen is made of cat or dog skin. Therefore, the sanshin has a snake pattern and the shamisen has a white body.

5. playing style
The sanshin is played by placing a nail-shaped tool called a giko on the fingertip or pinching it with the fingers, while the shamisen is played with a palm-sized tool called a bachi.

These are the five characteristics of the sanshin and shamisen.
You may be able to distinguish between them by paying attention to the size of the instrument, the color of the body, and the tool used to play it.

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