Which shall I learn Sanshin or Tsugaru-shamisen?

Answer: Sanshin and Tsugaru-Shamisen are similar but are different musical instruments. Also, they are different in culture and music genres. Choose the instrument by the culture and music genre. If you do not have a preference, begin with Sanshin because it is easier to play, shorter, and less expensive.

Can we start practicing without the instrument?

Answer: Probably not. If you like to begin with a toy-level instrument, there are some cardboard shamisen or cheap tin can sanshin.

We do not sell musical instruments but here is a list of convenient shoppers; Shopping Guide

How long should I practice to play the easiest song (tune)?

Answer: It may take a few hours. If you are a guitarist, you can play “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” in 10 minutes. In general, 1,000 hours of practice is required to become a decent player.

Can I learn singing also in sanshin lessons?

Answer: No, singing is not taught in the lesson. Please learn yourself with your accompaniment.

Is the lesson provided in English?

Answer: Yes and No. Most of the instructors speak Japanese. The speech is recognized and translated into English text (or another supported language). Your speech is translated into Japanese text (or the native language of the instructor). Note that machine translation is not perfect. We hope you understand what to do by the instruction in the speech and video communication.

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