Folktales and Japanese traditional stories are abundant in Japan. Many of the characters in these stories can play Japanese musical instruments. Here are some examples of scenes where musical instruments appear in folktales.

In “Momotaro,” a boy named Momotaro, who was born from a peach, goes on a demon-slaying mission with his dog, monkey, and pheasant friends. Along the way, he meets an old man who plays the shamisen and helps Momotaro and his friends. The old man is actually a god, and after Momotaro and his friends succeed in defeating the demons, the old man returns to heaven.

In “Kaguya-hime,” a beautiful woman named Kaguya-hime, who was born from bamboo, plays the koto, shakuhachi, and shamisen with celestial maidens. Kaguya-hime returns to the moon with the celestial maidens.

Thus, Japanese instruments often appear in folk tales. Playing musical instruments must have been a part of their lives.

At, we especially deal with lessons for shamisen, sanshin, and shakuhachi.
If you are interested, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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