Have you ever seen a shinobue?
Shinobue” is a Japanese musical instrument, a type of transverse flute, similar to the concert flute, a Western instrument.

In this article, we will learn about the “shinobue” while comparing it to the concert flute.

First, comparing the appearance, the metal concert flute and the bamboo shinobue look quite different.
Another major difference is that the concert flute has a key, while the shinobue does not.
However, the fundamental principle of pronunciation is the same. Furthermore, the original concert flute did not have a key, and it is said that it was improved into the current concert flute between the late 17th and 19th centuries.
The shinobue, on the other hand, is one of the transverse flutes that has retained its simple original form.

So, how do the tones differ?
The concert flute has a clear, shimmering sound that can be described as “birdsong.
The shinobue flute, on the other hand, also produces a clear sound, but it is characterized by a simple, soft tone.

I have introduced the differences between the shinobue and the concert flute, but both instruments have their own charms that make it difficult to choose one over the other.
If you have a chance, why don’t you try listening to and playing both instruments?

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