Do you have money? I don’t. I’m struggling with the rising cost of living every day.

However, hobbies are essential for daily life. I’ve recently become interested in Japanese traditional instruments. But I don’t have the money to buy expensive instruments or take expensive lessons.

For those who are in such a situation, I will tell you how to start playing Japanese traditional instruments as easily and inexpensively as possible.

Get an instrument! The first and cheapest way to get an instrument is through online auctions. At online auctions, the prices of shamisen, koto, and shakuhachi vary depending on the condition and type of the product. For shakuhachi, it seems that they are traded for about 5,000 yen. As for shamisen, the price varies depending on the condition and type of the product, but it is traded for as little as 10,000 yen.

Please note that instruments obtained at auctions may not be in good condition, so it is important to be careful when purchasing.

Learn how to play! You have obtained an instrument, but it will be difficult to play beautiful music right away after taking it out of the case. It’s difficult to learn on your own, so it’s a shortcut to learn from experts in lessons.

The monthly tuition fee for each instrument varies depending on the school. For individual schools in Japan, it is a rough estimate of 3,000-6,000 yen per lesson and 2,000-5,000 yen per lesson for cultural centers. However, this is just a rough estimate and may vary depending on the region and school. Please contact each school for details.

For those overseas, you can learn online. Recommended is shamisen-lessons.

You can receive instruction from Japanese teachers specializing in beginners from all over the world. Start now! Let’s start playing Japanese traditional instruments with shamisen-lessons!

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