Japanese traditional instruments include wadaiko, wagakki, shakuhachi, and shamisen. However, after World War II, playing Japanese traditional instruments became less common in Japan. One reason for this was that Western music was emphasized in post-war music education. Another reason was that there was a shortage of people who could play Japanese traditional instruments in post-war Japan.

On the other hand, traditional Japanese instruments are gaining attention overseas, and more and more foreign artists are incorporating them into their music. The charm of Japanese traditional instruments is being conveyed, and more people want to play them. It seems that the popularity of Japanese anime has also led to an increase in foreigners interested in Japanese culture and thus in the popularity of traditional Japanese instruments.

American koto player Curtis Patterson came to Japan from his hometown in America to learn about traditional Japanese instruments. He then used the knowledge he gained in Japan to teach people how to play traditional Japanese instruments in America.

Thus, there are more non-Japanese instructors of traditional Japanese instruments now. However, the number is still small.

For those who want to learn online lessons easily, shamisen-lessons is recommended.

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