Okinawa Prefecture is known for its beautiful natural environment and rich music culture.
At the heart of this music culture is an instrument called the Sanshin.
The Sanshin is produced in places like Naha City in Okinawa Prefecture, and is used in a variety of music, including UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Kumi Odori and the prefecture’s intangible cultural property Ryukyu Opera, as well as folk songs and pops.
This fact demonstrates the importance of the Sanshin in the history and present of Okinawan music.

The temperament of the people of Okinawa greatly influences their music.
They are known to be bright and optimistic, with a strong sense of community.
This is symbolized by the phrase “Ichari Bachode” (Once we meet, we’re brothers).
In addition, through a system called “Monchu” that organizes kinship, there is also a very strong sense of solidarity among families.

People in Okinawa are known for their laid-back and relaxed nature.
This may be related to the warm climate.
Also, as indicated by the phrase “Uchina Time”, they lead a relaxed life without worrying about time.

Furthermore, people in Okinawa have a strong love for their hometown, and they love their hometown even if they leave the mainland.
This shows how attractive Okinawa is as a city.
The fact that many tourists feel somewhat lonely after returning from Okinawa also attests to its charm.

However, people in Okinawa also have a shy and reserved side.
This shows that they have the ability to move things forward at their own pace without being swayed by others.

This temperament greatly influences Okinawan music. Sanshin music reflects their brightness, optimism, sense of community, and love for their hometown.
Also, their laid-back nature and shyness are reflected in the music, giving each song its own personality and depth.

Finally, for those interested in the Sanshin, I recommend online lessons called “”.
There is a course for Sanshin lessons without singing along, so even beginners can learn with peace of mind.
To get a feel for Okinawa’s music culture up close, why not give it a try?

1 Comment

  • tlovertonet
    Posted June 25, 2024 2:31 pm 0Likes

    I got good info from your blog

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