The master-disciple relationship in the current shamisen industry is very strict. The guidance received from the master is strict, and the student is required to strictly follow what the master says. Also, the guidance from the master is one-sided, and the student is not allowed to think for themselves. Such a strict master-disciple relationship puts a heavy burden on students, and many people give up halfway through.

History of Shamisen

Shamisen is a traditional Japanese musical instrument that was born during the Edo period. Initially, it was known as an instrument played by blind people. Later, people other than blind people began to play it, and it became widely loved among the common people. Today, it is loved all over the world as a representative instrument of Japanese culture.

About shamisen masters making a living as lecturers In the current shamisen industry, it is common for shamisen masters to make a living as lecturers. However, it has become difficult to make a living as a lecturer alone, and many masters have other jobs as well. In addition to lecturing, they also produce CDs and DVDs.

Decrease in the number of students in the current shamisen industry

In the current shamisen industry, there is a tendency for the number of students to decrease. This is due to factors such as strict master-disciple relationships and high lesson fees. Also, for young people, music genres such as Western music and pop music have become mainstream, and their interest in traditional music genres has waned.

About current professional shamisen players who do not have masters

Currently, there are more and more professional shamisen players who are active without having masters. They are active by refining their playing techniques in their own way or collaborating with musicians from other genres.

The way of the master-disciple relationship in the future shamisen industry

In the current shamisen industry, the master-disciple relationship is very strict. However, it is considered necessary to make the master-disciple relationship more flexible in the future shamisen industry. For example, more flexible teaching methods are required that allow students to think for themselves. It is also important for masters to show more understanding to their students. By advancing these reforms, it is expected that the shamisen industry will become more lively

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