What kind of instrument do you think of when you hear the word “wadaiko”?

In this article, we will explain the wadaiko, an instrument that is quite familiar to Japanese people.

There are many different types of wadaiko, but the one that comes to mind most readily is the Nagado-daiko.
Nagato-daiko, also called miya-daiko, are used in ceremonies and festivals held at shrines and temples.
Made by hollowing out a large piece of wood and covering both sides with cowhide, these drums are characterized by their strong, deep tone and powerful volume.

There are many other types of wadaiko, including shimedaiko, tsuzumi (hand drum), and hiradaiko (flat drum).

The history of taiko is long, and haniwa clay figurines with taiko drums have been excavated. Although drums are now used as musical instruments, they also seem to have played many roles, such as being used to signal warfare and to communicate information.
It is no exaggeration to say that taiko has been a part of Japanese life since ancient times.

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