Have you ever played the harmonica?
Harmonicas are inexpensive compared to other instruments, and they are also an easy instrument to start playing.
The charm of the harmonica is that it allows you to freely trace melodies and play chords.

Now, the harmonica is classified as a free reed instrument, but there is also a Japanese instrument classified as a free reed instrument in Japan.
The name of that instrument is “Sho,” and it is said to be the only instrument among Japanese instruments that can play chords.

Because of its ability to play chords, the sho plays a role in the ensemble music of gagaku (court music that combines music and dance), where it envelopes the sounds played by the other instruments.

The sho, as it is known in Japan today, consists of 17 bamboo tubes bound together in a round shape.
Fifteen of these tubes have reeds attached to them, each of which can play one note.
It is also called “Ho-sho” (鳳笙) because of its resemblance to the legendary Chinese bird called “Ho-oh” with its wings folded.

The high, clear tone of the sho is so beautiful that it can be compared to light shining down from the heavens.
Isn’t it worth listening to it at least once in your life?

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