In this article, let’s learn a little bit about the material of the shamisen.

First, picture the shape of a shamisen.
What do you think is used for the body and neck of the shamisen?

…Yes, it is wood.
The trees that are used for the body and neck of the shamisen are mainly Karin(Chinese quince), shitan (ebony), and kouki (Red sandalwood).
Generally speaking, the price is lower for the Hanashi, Shitan, and Bengi woods, in that order.

Now, what do you think the skin on the body is made from?
Shamisen skins can be made from cat or dog skins, or synthetic skins. Today, kangaroo skin is sometimes used.
In particular, the shamisen made of precious cat skins are said to be very expensive.

Finally, can you guess what the plectrum is made of?
Some plectrums are made of ivory, some are made of tortoiseshell, some are made of wood such as oak or holly, and some are made of plastic.

These differences in material also change the tone that the instrument produces.
Even if the same material and type of material is used, the condition of the material and other factors will give each piece its own unique character.
When purchasing a shamisen, it may be a good idea to pay attention to the material used to make the instrument.

If you have any concerns about purchasing an instrument, please consult with the instructors at “”.
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